Strength Training and Pelvic Floor Therapy

Invest in strength training and pelvic floor therapy to combat frailty and maintain independence and health as you age

While frailty is most often associated with aging adults, a healthy resilient future begins much earlier. Women, in particular, have unique challenges with muscle loss, bone health, and core stability as they age. The earlier women can combat these challenges through proactive strength training and pelvic floor therapy, the more significantly they can reduce their risk of developing frailty later in life which is vital for maintaining independence, health, and quality of life. Here’s how these powerful tools can help build a strong foundation for lifelong health:

Strength Training

  1. Improves Bone Health & Muscle Mass: Women typically achieve their peak bone mass in their late 20s to early 30s so building and maintaining strong bones throughout their younger years reduces the chance of osteoporosis later. The decline of muscle mass (sarcopenia) and bone density is most evident after menopause due to declining estrogen levels. Building a reserve of muscle to offset the muscle loss and building and maintaining strong bones in your earlier years through weight bearing exercises such as squats, lunges, and resistance bands can provide a way to combat these age related changes reducing the chance of frailty later in life.
  2. Improves Balance, Coordination, & Endurance: Women must maintain these in order to reduce the risk of falls and injuries which is key to avoiding fractures and strains that can hinder activity and increase future frailty.
  3. Improves Physical & Mental Health: Maintaining a health body weight and boosting mental health can help improve overall well-being and promotes your body’s resilience which are important in keeping frailty at bay.

Pelvic Floor Therapy

  1. Ensures Core Stability: Having a strong core improves posture and balance and reduces the risk for falls. It also decreases the risk of pain, especially back pain. Chronic pain limits mobility and impacts physical activity which can lead to a decline in physical and mental health. Pelvic Floor Therapy improves core stability and allows women to stay active and engaged in strength training and physical activity.
  2. Strengthens the Pelvic Floor Muscles: The pelvic floor muscles support the bladder, bowel and uterus. Strengthening these muscles helps decrease urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. By engaging in Pelvic Floor Therapy, a woman can address these issues that are more common in the postpartum period and later on, which can help improve long term health and well-being.

Women have the power to shape their future health and well-being. By embracing strength training and pelvic floor exercises, they are making an investment in themselves that will pay dividends for years to come. Women need to fight against frailty and build a body that is strong, resilient, and capable of handling whatever life throws their way. So ladies, lace up those sneakers, grab those weights, do your exercises, and get started on your empowering journey. Your future self will thank you for the care and dedication you’re showing today. Here’s to a strong, vibrant, and healthy future!

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Kari McNamara, RN-BSN, NBC-HWC

Nurse and Health Coach @ Kari McNamara-The Mama Coach LLC

Kari McNamara is a Registered Nurse and Board Certified Health Coach