Specialized Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy for All Bodies and Communities
Pelvic floor physical therapy plays a vital role in supporting the health and wellbeing of LGBTQIA+ individuals throughout various life stages and transitions. The pelvic floor—a group of muscles spanning the base of the pelvis—affects many aspects of daily life including bladder function, bowel health, sexual function, and core stability. These muscles can be impacted by various factors including stress, trauma, surgery, hormone therapy, and daily movement patterns.
The pelvic floor muscles respond to hormonal changes, physical stressors, and surgical procedures in unique ways for each individual. For those undergoing gender-affirming care, these muscles may need specific attention before and after surgical procedures, or may require support adapting to changes that occur during hormone therapy. Understanding how the pelvic floor functions as part of the body's core support system helps guide effective treatment for concerns ranging from post-operative recovery to chronic pain management.
Pelvic floor physical therapy can provide important support before and after gender-affirming surgeries. Physical therapists work with patients to:
For individuals undergoing hormone therapy, pelvic floor physical therapy can help address changes in muscle tone, tissue health, and pelvic floor function that may occur during transition.
Chronic pelvic pain can affect individuals of all gender identities and may present as:
Pelvic floor dysfunction can impact daily habits and comfort through:
Physical therapy can address various aspects of sexual function including:
Following gender-affirming surgeries, physical therapy supports:
Pelvic floor physical therapy utilizes various evidence-based techniques to address these conditions:
Skilled hands-on treatment of muscle tension, scar tissue, and fascial restrictions to improve tissue mobility and reduce pain. This may include both external and internal techniques, always based on patient comfort and consent.
Progressive strengthening or relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles and surrounding core muscles, tailored to each patient's needs and goals. Exercise programs consider the whole body's role in pelvic health.
When appropriate, biofeedback helps patients better understand and control their pelvic floor muscle function through real-time monitoring and visualization of muscle activity.
Comprehensive education about:
All treatment is delivered within a trauma-informed framework that emphasizes:
All individuals deserve access to knowledgeable, respectful healthcare. At Mendwell, we understand that pelvic health needs are unique to each individual, regardless of gender identity or expression. Our specialized pelvic floor physical therapy services are designed to provide affirming, comprehensive care for LGBTQIA+ individuals in a safe, respectful, and welcoming environment.